Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Homemade Hemp Milk & Matcha Goji Berry Chia Seed Pudding

Non-dairy milk has become increasingly popular over the last few years, and rightly so. Many people are beginning to realize that dairy is not the health food that it is marketed as. Perhaps you are one of those very people, and have experienced first hand the bloating, acne, excess phlegm or sinus infections that are all associated to dairy consumption. Did you know that as we age, the majority of humans lose the lactase enzyme that is required to digest milk? It’s great to know that there are so many options available to substitute the cows milk that so many of us are accustomed to drinking. If you take a look at just about any grocery store you’ll see options including soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, and my new favourite – hemp milk. Although this is my new go-to, you won’t find me drinking the store bought stuff. Not when the real deal is so easy to make at home

When I say easy, I mean really easy. This milk is the quickest, most delicious (not to mention nutritious) non-dairy milk I’ve ever made. Knowing that you’re making your own means you know exactly what’s in it. No pesky preservatives or nasty inflammatory causing carrageenan. Here’s what you’ll need:

Homemade Hemp Milk


  • 1 cup shelled hemp seeds (also called hemp hearts)
  • 3 cups filtered water
  • 1tbsp maple syrup (or other natural sweetener)
  • ½ tsp vanilla (optional)

  1. Combine all ingredients, and blend on high for about a minute (I use my vitamix at variable speed 7, but any blender will do)
  2. Pour milk into a jar and store covered in the fridge for up to a week

So simple, and there’s no soaking or straining required as there is with nut milks such as almond milk. If you’re curious about what nasties might be lurking in store bought non-dairy milk, check out this article. Not only are you avoiding these potentially hazardous ingredients, you're also filling up on so many essential nutrients like healthy Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, lots of protein, fibre, and trace minerals such as zinc, phosphorous, magnesium and iron. Just take a look at the nutritional info on my bag of hemp seeds from Manitoba Harvest.

One of my favourite ways to use my freshly made hemp milk is to make a chia seed pudding. I’ve been experimenting with different ingredients, but so far the most delicious one I've found is a matcha & goji berry chia seed pudding.

Matcha & Goji Berry Chia Seed Pudding


  • 1 cup hemp milk
  • ½ tsp matcha green tea powder
  • 3 tbsp chia seeds
  • ¼ cup goji berries
  • fresh fruit or berries

  1. Blend hemp milk with matcha powder until well combined.
  2. Pour mixture over chia seeds and goji berries
  3. Stir to combine, let sit for 15 minutes, stirring once every 5 mins. Instead of stirring you could shake the ingredients in a jar to have a quick, grab and go breakfast
  4. Let sit covered in fridge overnight (or at least an hour or two). To serve, top with berries or fresh fruit of your choice and enjoy!
Recipe inspired by Choosing Raw

I find this incredibly filling and energizing as a breakfast. The matcha powder contains caffeine, but it’s much more steady and long lasting than coffee and won’t give you the same jittery caffeine high. Every ingredient here is considered a superfood, all together boasting a huge amount of fibre, protein, complex (slow burning) carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Such a wonderful way to start your day on a healthy, nutritious note.

Matcha green tea powder can be found in many health food stores, but I found the one above from my local London Drugs. If you're in western Canada and it's easier to get to a to a London Drugs check there first! It's not super cheap (about $30 for 100g), but since a single serving is about a 1/2 tsp, a little goes a long way. If you haven't tried it yet, I would highly recommend it. Not only is it great in the chia pudding above, but can be a great addition to smoothies or frozen banana soft serve (which is another recipe for another day).

Enjoy! And as always, thanks for reading! Please leave me a note and let me know what you think :)

Love & Light

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