Wednesday, 21 August 2013

3 Tips to Navigate the Grocery Store

I've put together my top 3 pieces of advice for anyone looking to make healthier choices at the grocery store. Hope you find these helpful!

Shop the perimeter of the store

While shopping, it’s best to stay on the outer edges of the grocery store, avoiding the middle aisles as much as possible. The reason for this is that the areas outside of these aisles are where you’ll find the whole, nourishing foods that are the best for you. Opt for products that have as few ingredients as possible, and preferably ones that you can pronounce! Depending on where you shop, you can easily make your way from the fresh produce, fresh meat and seafood counters, bakery, and maybe sweet bulk food section where you can find raw nuts and seeds. All your bases covered in less time, all while avoiding the unnaturally processed “food” found in the centre aisles.

Buy local and organic wherever possible

When possible, opt for fresh (or frozen) organic produce. Not only can you rest assured that you’re avoiding pesky chemicals and pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally grown fruits and veggies, this is an excellent way to ensure that you’re not eating any freaky GMO franken-foods. Did you know corn is one of the top 3 genetically engineered crops?

There are some foods that are much more important to buy organic, and some conventionally grown produce that is fine to consume. Refer to the table below from the Environmental Working Group to make sure you’re spending your money wisely while buying healthy chemical-free produce for yourself and your family.

Although organic is ideal if you’re looking to avoid pesticides, there are definitely benefits from buying local produce even if it’s conventionally grown. These foods are fresher as they haven’t had as far to travel as food from halfway around the world. That means you’re getting more nutrients out of the food and into your body! You’re also supporting local farmers this way. A great way to find local food is to check out a farmers market nearby, and get to know the people growing your food!

Use reusable bags

Reusable bags are becoming more and more popular, with many big box grocery stores selling their own for around a dollar. There are also amazing (although less well-known) reusable produce bags that you can use in lieu of plastic bags to store your fresh finds. I use these ones from Flip & Tumble that I found at a health food store in Victoria.

Many stores have paper bags available, either for free or for a small charge. Don’t forget that these are reusable as well! You can usually get a good 4 or 5 uses out of a single paper bag, which can then go on to be used elsewhere around the house and eventually be recycled or composted.

The trick is to remember to bring your bags with you! Try to keep some in the car or your purse to make sure they’re always handy.

All the best on your next trip to the grocery store. Feel free to leave a comment and share your favourite shopping tip.

Much Love and Light.

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